Awards I Have Won!
Page 7

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Please take the time to visit these wonderful site. 
Just click on the "Award" to go to
their site...

I No longer ask for Awards.
That makes them more special
When I do get one.

All new awards are added at the bottom.

(NOTE: Some of the home pages are no longer on the web.
So I have deleted the links to help stop opening unwanted sites.

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I feel very honored to have received this award.
Thank you

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June 25 2000

Linda thank you for these two beautiful awards!

You have beautiful pages.

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August 02, 2000

Lorrina Thank you so much! This is such a beautiful award
and I am honored to place it on my web site.


I must congratulate you on making a wonderful and beautiful site! The graphics were great and I really enjoyed my stay! Therefore, you have one my Award of Excellence. Congratulations!

Bye the way, thanks for coming to my site and signing the guestbook!


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Thank you "Angels That Care" for this beautiful award!
I received this award because I care about children
and for having helpful sites on child abuse and for missing children
I do hope my pages make a difference.

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Sept. 13 2000

Thank you Sue for this beautiful award! I am very honored!

I'm Sue. A friend sent me your url and I just visited your site. It is everything and more of what I wish to accomplish in time with my own site.

Child abuse and domestic violence are very important issues to me. Within my site I have some pages dedicated to this cause, but I am just beginning.

I would like your permission to add you to my links page. Please let me know.

I have a plaque I am now distributing to abuse sites and would be honored if you would add it to your site and link it back to my abuse and DV pages.

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January 31, 2001

Rick thank you very much for such a special award.

Tammy, I would like to present your site with this very special award

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August 03, 2001

Linda I am very honored to receive such beautiful awards!
Thank you so much!

Tammy I want to let you know that you have an awesome website, I can't say enough in praise you have truly been blessed by God. Please accept these awards with the spirit they are given.
God Bless Linda

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June 11, 2002

Thank you Shirley for such a beautiful award!
Your kind words mean a lot to me.

I want to compliment you on such a Fantastic Web Site! It's very beautifully done,
and I have to say it's one of the best here on the www. Congratulations on a job well done.

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June 11, 2002

I'm so honored to have received this beautiful award!
Thank you so much.

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Awards Page8

Click here for my Haunted Page


Click on any of the links below to see more of Luv's Creations.


About My
Family and Me

Our Pond

Tammy's Poems
(Poems written by me)

For everyone

My Snowglobes

My Angel Pages

In Loving

Help Stop Child

Have you seen these Missing Children?

Luv's Creations Greeting Cards

My Banner

Need a Web Page Built for you?

My Midi Page

The Fallen Angel

Awards I Have
Won Pages

My Poem Has Been Published!!!
My Quilt

How to send
a Page


Email Me

My Scrapbooking Page

My Favorite Links

My Webrings

Game Room

Sept. 11, 2001
Won't ever be forgotten!
Below are my 9/11 Tributes.

The Spirit Of America

A Moment Of Prayer

The Thin Blue Line

(Sept.11, 2001)

Our Trip To Liberty State Park

Copyright1997-2006 Luv's Creations
Some of the graphics on this page were made by Me.
Please do not take any of the graphics,
or background from this page.
All pages are created and maintained
by Luv's Creations and should not be
used without written permission first.

For any questions or problems you may have,
Please E-mail Tammy, the "Web Angel"

Don't Cut and Paste!

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